I managed to get my bunnies in a row and prepare our brunch. It was a perfect day in spite of the fact that it wasn't.
The weather was beautiful and sunny, church was awesome, and the company was delightful. However, my Real Simple rubber band eggs were only soft boiled-yuck. And, unfortunately, I served the quiche before it was really hot. Poor Cliff's piece was cold. Even the grapes were sour. Still, none of that mattered. We had a really great meal in spite of the mishaps.

The kids at Saturday School helped me color them. Softie that I am, I let them keep all the best ones. We made some with several color stripes by taking off some rubber bands and then double dipping. Definitely, a fun project.

To look at these pictures, you would never know that we live in sunny California. Even with all the lights on and the blinds open , this corner of the apartment always looks so dark! Fortunately, it only seems that way in pictures. In real life it's actually quite cheery.
I tried something new this year. At the last minute, I invited our church secretary. She too lives far from family back east and I learned on Friday that she had no plans. So, right then and there I invited her and her boyfriend to join us. Holy Week is really stressful and hectic for the church staff. She had to be at and perform in both services today. So, I told her she didn't need to RSVP, just come if she felt up to it.
I am not usually that "last minute" and while I like to entertain, having loose ends is not usually my style. But, I want to be the kind of person who always has room at her table. So, I went with my gut. I set places for six and then when it became clear that they weren't going to come, I simply removed the plates to make more room for the rest of us. I left the silverware just in case. As it turned out, her boyfriend had a flat tire on the way home from the 9 o'clock service and she had to stay at church very late. They just decided to call it a day.
It wasn't a perfect meal. Not everyone could come. Still, it turned out just right. Like Easter, it was a day for celebrating life and God's grace.
Your boxes turned out really nice! If anyone tells you they had a perfect Easter, they're lying :-) Yours looked wonderful.
Your Easter table looks great and your rubber band eggs look cool! Love how they turned out. I'm sure your invite meant the world to the secretary, that you even thought of her enough to reach out to her in such a special way.
Happy belated Easter!
*HUGGLE* Tuesday!
It looks like your Easter was great, thanks for sharing your wonderful crafty magicks.
You are a wonderful friend. And that table is amazing!!! I need to take some lessons from you.
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