Today I am going to feature some of my favorite projects from the past few years. A sample of what Out of the Crayon Box is about.
1. My biggest posts are probably the Play Kitchen Build Along. Nearly every week someone emails me to share their kitchen creation. Pretty exciting! I even have a flickr group for everyone to share their creations.

This play kitchen was probably the most "me." I have made six play kitchens so far. All were made out of cast off end tables. I have sold three to raise money for the homeless program at my church. Oh, and all of these were made on the tiny fifth floor balcony of my LA apartment.

2. The Juice Glass Mini Cloche was one of my all time favorite projects.

3. I was super proud of my finished I Spy Quilt.
4. I don't cook much, but I do love to decorate cookies and cupcakes!

4. I also love to make stuff out of absolute junk. I turned some really crappy drawers into this headboard for my bedroom.

Thanks for stopping by!
miss jane- all of your creations are pretty much amazing! i love that you take "junk" and turn it into treasure. very inspiring....sidenote- i read your comment on my blog- i feel your pain in regards to your not-lining-up quilt- my friend taught me a trick in getting messed up blocks to fit together. i would be happy to share it if you are interested- if so, email me :)
Love that little kitchen :)
Way super cute little kitchen!!! I just love it...what little girl wouldn't want to dream up big yummie cup cakes and tea parties with that sweet set up? I know I would...
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