pool noodle wreath is done!
But friends, we need to have a talk...
All across blogland there are a plethora beautiful burlap projects. For the longest time I resisted this trend because for the most part burlap doesn't mesh with my vintage stuff. Plus I like a lot of color.
But the great projects kept coming and I was seduced by these
chair covers,
I caved and bought some burlap at one of the Joanne's before Christmas sales.
It was an impulse buy. It smelled funny and was kinda rough. I had no real plans for it. So I tucked it away for a rainy day.
It rained when I saw this
wreath! Friends, burlap actually goes with my poopy door! All was right with my crafty world... until I started cutting!
Why have none of you burlap lovers posted of the tremendous fuzz? You have made burlap seem dreamy!
Look I am covered in burlap fur! It's so much worse than cat fur. At least cat fur comes from a soft loveable kitty! This stuff clings to everything! It makes me itch. Oh, and when first I started, I was sitting on my bed cutting away. Let's not talk about how many lint roller sheets it took to clean up that mess.
So is there something I am missing? Can you prewash this stuff for a less fuzzy experience? Or is this the price for burlap beauty?

Ok, now I am done with that rant. Trash to treasure!
This wreath was made using a
pool noodle! I also used lots of scraps that were clothes in their former lives.If you look closely you can see bits of Cliff's jeans. Not too long ago he brought me a holey pair and asked me if I wanted to make something of them. Then when I pulled them out for this project he said, "Oh that's where my good ripped jeans went." I guess he wanted to wear them to the Sonic Youth Concert last week, but forgot that he had already donated them to me. I am just proud of him for thinking of crafty potential before chucking his ripped jeans.
I used a simplified version of this
flower tutorial and secured the flowers to the wreath with regular sewing straight pins. When I tire of this look I can pull them all out and start fresh with something else.
One more thing! *My Citra-Solv giveaway is here!
More trash to treasure inspiration at Reinvented!
Lots of