Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Sunny Days

Yesterday my mother's car broke down. To make a long story short, AAA had trouble securing a tow truck and she was there for about five hours. For the most part she waited outside with the continued assurance that the tow would be there "any minute." By the end of the day in the Florida sun, she was a bit sunburned.

Her experience got me thinking.

Here in the Southland and almost anywhere these days, survival preparedness includes sun protection.

I had also been looking for my next project. With a few hours of Dancing with the Stars on the telly, last night was a great night to sew. This hat came from Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing.
I am a big fan of this book because it came with full size patterns in a little storage pocket. No enlarging patterns! No lost patterns!
Simple Sewing Hat 3

I used a scrap of denim from my stash of $2 Loft odds and ends and a thrifted sheet. While I did have some issues with tension and my bobbin was acting up, it was an easy project. The book suggest taking several nights to make this. It did take me the full three hours of DWTS. I measure my sewing time in TV shows. While the length was prime time, the degree of difficulty was just an I Love Lucy.

Simple Sewing Hat

The brim is a good size and this would be good for the playground. The fit is OK. I have a big 'ole head and the hat sits pretty high up there. This one shows the usual first time blips and bumps. Next time I might make the crown a bit shorter and wider to accommodate my "five head."

Since this one is a tad wonkey, it's going into the survival backpack. Soon, I will make another to keep in the car. And, if I am not totally sick of it, I hope to make another to stash in my desk for recess.


Mal said...

Great Hat!! thanks for the comments! I LOVE mashti malone's! I grew up with a lot of persian people so the flavors remind of child hood.

I'm in hollywood (near highland). send me an email if you're headed that way (after May31st ;)).

Jenn Maruska said...


I too, often measure projects by tv show or movie time! haha - I bet alot of us do that : )

Sounds like your mom could use a hat, too - maybe a birthday gift?

HollyLynne said...

cute!! so true that a survival kit out here has to include sunblock. . . . and your new hat will do a far better job surviving time in a hot car than a tube of sun cream would :)

Jodi Ohl said...

I'm mad that AAA left your poor Mom stranded for 5 hours!!! I'd 'flip a lid' over that one!

Love your hat though and your right, it would be a good survival in the sun must have along with the sun block!

ayumills said...

Wow! It took you only 3 hours to make this fabulous hat?! That's really amazing!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I'm going to have to check out that book.