Cliff and I have started a new tradition- Sunday hikes. Things in the Crayon Box have been ugly. Too ugly to write about in a public forum. Sewing isn't enough to drown out the rumors and confusion. Layoffs are coming and they will be massive. As of now, I think I am safe, but I am not certain.
Up here clean breezes blow. Wild flowers and green grass abound. What city? What recession?
I heard about big layoffs in your area and I worried about you. :( I'm sorry things have gotten so stinky lately--please know that I do miss hearing about the Crayons. Glad you were able to get out into the fresh air a bit and clear your head for a while. I'll be thinking about you!
That's a great new tradition! A good way to get away for a little while, get some exercise and it's free! It's finally warming up here in central OH and I can't wait to spend more time outside.
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