I moved out to Los Angeles to marry my best friend. There is no other reason I would have considered life on the "Left Coast." Many, many things have been shocking to me, but the one thing that really upset me in my first visits and first year here was the problem of homelessness. I'll be honest, one homeless man near my apartment looks exactly like my childhood image of the Boogy Man. Although we never interacted he frightened me.
One day at lunch we were discussing the problem of homelessness in the city. I asked one my colleagues if her children were afraid of the homeless and how she talked to them about the problem.
She said, "I tell my kids that the homeless men and women we see were once somebody's baby."
There by the grace of God go I.
One of the reasons we joined our church is that they have a tremendous acceptance of all people. Homeless people come to our church and participate fully in worship each week and we serve a small lunch each Sunday that is free for anyone. On Tuesdays we serve bag lunch to over 100 homeless persons each week. In addition to lunch, clothes (especially socks) and toiletries are made available. I think it's a powerful demonstration of God's love and it is an important ministry to my development as a Christian as well.
I love the creative challenge of making the play kitchens and it's been a great way for me to contribute to the homeless ministry. I like the fact that on both ends "somebody's baby" benefits.
I started the Play Kitchen Build Along to share my techniques. Free and easy-like so many of the wonderful craft tutorials on the internet. It's an amazing community this internet!
Along the way on this creative journey, I have made some great bloggy friends. And, one friend who has given me so much play kitchen love, shared the idea of setting up a way to donate to the homeless lunch program. I am so amazed by the heart of this creative community! Craft-ivism is one of the big reasons I love blogging! So many opportunities to use your creative passions for the greater good.
If you are enjoying the Play Kitchen Build Along and would like to contribute to the Homeless Lunch Program you can donate on paypal! You can read about the lunch program here. You can donate to the lunch program here. Be sure to put "Homeless Lunch Program" in the purpose box so your donation gets directed properly.
Thank you for considering this cause!
Play Kitchen Build Along Introduction
Lesson 1 Supplies
Lesson 2- Demo & Construction
Lesson 3- Assembly & Body Paint
I am linking this post to the DIY Showoff Show & Tell party! If this is your first time visiting- Welcome!

Come over to my blog when you get a chance -I just posted something for you :) sweettnbiscuits.blogspot.com
Wow, what a thought. Something I'd like to take with me and remember for all those people in my life that I find difficult to love like Jesus would. Thank you. --Laura
Dear Jane
I was very moved by your Somebody's Baby article and wanted to thank you for stepping up to help homeless people and making a difference.
I,too,am called to serve to help show compassion to those on the streets. I am the founder and excecutive director of Comfort Socks, a 501(c)3 public charity that gives new socks to non-profits and homeless shelters throughout the USA. Our mission is one of comfort, for we believe strongly, that the warm, secure feeling of new socks can help soothe the soul of someone going through a difficult time. I would appreciate it if you could share our mission with your friends and contact me as to how we can help.
Our website is www.comfortsocksonline.org
I look forward to hearing from you, and want to encourge you to keep moving forward on your vision - there is no telling where the Lord may lead you.
Theresa Tese
I know I commented earlier today, just can't tell you how much this has impacted my life and outlook today (and hopefully permanently. I have shared with several already just today and gotten the same response. Thank you for sharing. --Laura
Great reminder of the need of those all around us. We can't be looking down on others but be lifting them up instead. God bless your ever important work.
Ive thought about it that way in the past. We have a lot of homelessness in my area, too, even though we are nowhere NEAR the size of LA. But my kids dont really see it.
Your play kitchens are wonderful--and how great that you make them for such a good cause. I love the green one.
You've got some wonderful tutorials here to share!
Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. Re: your comment about magnets in the classroom: I used to be a middle school teacher, and I discovered that our white boards were magnetic. I used magnets in a number of different ways too.
so glad that you posted this. certainly a fantastic cause. i'm in! :)
I'm really touched by your post today. What a great way to help the homeless in your community. I know God will bless you as you follow where He leads. Isn't it exciting when He trusts you with something?
Hi Jane.
I just wanted to stop by and say hello (from the DIY). I too love this post, btw. I hope that you have a wonderful week, and a Happy Thanksgiving.
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