A few things...
1. Chris at Just A Girl is having a linky party today with the theme, "I Can Make That!" Boy have I said that a bajillion times. Recently I set my mind to making new Christmas stockings. My search for "the stockings" lead me to about a dozen stockings that I love and want to make. So I am declaring this the Christmas of the Stockings! I actually think I will make some in lieu of gift bags. First up, a white stocking.
Cliff patiently looked through all the stockings saved to my favorites folder on flickr. He liked these the best. So, when I learned how to do Citra Solv transfers I thought, "I can make something like that!" I would attempt a simple white stocking. I transferred a photocopied "Noel" to some thin white muslin type fabric. I placed it face down onto the muslin and rubbed the image with a cotton ball dipped in CitraSolv. I burnished with the edge of my spoon and voila- "loeN!" Funny thing was I forgot to use the mirror image function when I printed, so the writing came out backwards! No worries- the fabric was thin and the transfer was dark, so I just flipped the fabric over and the back became the front. The lettering was corrected and no curses were spoken.
This stocking is really simple. Too simple. I want to add some pom-pom trim or bling or something!
Ahh! Much better! A dollar store ornament and some great wallpaper. Don't I wish I had that wallpaper!
Just fooling around! That's a pillowcase taped to the wall. We had plans to go to a play, but when they got postponed, I decided to play around the apartment.
Anyway, the stocking is a gift for a friend.. I have a few small gifties to put inside and in the meantime, it can decorate my place until we meet up to exchange gifts.
2. A few years ago I said, "I can make that" about a PB play kitchen. Now I am saying, "You can make it and I'll show you how!" The Play Kitchen Build Along has just started and there is still time to join in if you would like to build a play kitchen (on a budget) in time for Christmas!
3. The new Sweet Goodness Swap is posted and sign ups start today, Monday November 9. The theme is Sparkling White Winter. These swaps are always lots of fun, so I plan to sign up. You may want to check it out too!
4. Speaking of stockings and winter, I recently posted about my interest in the cause of homelessness. Theresa Tese founder of Comfort Socks wrote to me and shared her inspirational story of how she came to be involved in working with the homeless. I am very moved by Theresa's story because she was just one person who had an idea and made it happen. I think we are all capable of great things in God's name and this is just another example! If you are looking for an easy charity project for your school or scout organization this one is terrific. Theresa has Boy Scouts and sports teams collecting socks for all sorts of projects.
5. Did you see the great giveaways at the DIY Showoff? Click on this button and head on over!

Now head on over to the linky party at Just A Girl.
Have a great week!
That kitchen rocks!!!
Girl if you can make a kitchen out of a small dresser you can do anything!!
Love the stocking!!! Just fyi, I have been keeping an eye out for potential kitchens on the curbs in my neighborhood. Some day I'm going to find one for you!
Cute stocking! That reminds me I need to get started on mine. We decided before we had kids we want to emphasize the religious part of Christmas as much as we can instead of Santa Claus...so our Santa stockings have Nativity Characters on them...but I haven't made them for my two youngest yet.
How on Earth do you find the curbside pick up things on Craigslist???
The stocking is so pretty! Very simple but very elegant. Kinda makes me chuckle that you accidentally put Noel on backwards ... totally something I would do. More than once. :)
love the bling on your stocking :D
I've gotten started on the stockings for my two youngest. Thanks SO much for the suggestion about sneaking the gifts. We're totally going to do that. I got pics up of the Nativity stockings I've done here http://helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com/2009/11/nativity-stockings.html. I'll post pictures and a how two with the two new ones when I get them done.
Wow! Now THAT'S an I can make that moment! Great job!
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