This transformation is for my favorite little acorns- the Our Fair School Pre-Kinders!
This is by far the biggest kitchen I have made. (I finished after dark thus the lights for photos.) To give you an idea of the scale here is a shot of play kitchen to apartment ratio:
I've made arrangements with our custodian to sneak it in their classroom Monday morning.
Typically I am a purist about oven doors opening downwards. However, this oven is so large, I left it as is for safety's sake.
I used a cookie tin for the sink. I don't think it works as well as the bowls with a lip, but I had it on hand and I liked the square shape for this kitchen.
The teacher in me thought an alarm would sound when I cut this picture out of a thrifted Dr. Seuss book. It's almost criminal! It was the very last page and the story is not at all damaged. I kept the book for my own collection. I have about 100 picture books, but not Green Eggs and Ham- go figure!
I made a dish towel from a wash cloth like Sharla from My Little Gems. I followed this tutorial for salt and pepper shakers.Using buttons for the top was genius! They have holes and more importantly, I had them on hand. After 5 play kitchens that trended towards girly, I think I really nailed "gender neutral." Oh, and I made my own 'j' shaped faucet with my jigsaw and a bit of scrap wood. I think it fits the scale of this kitchen better than my usual store bought 'j's.'
Here's an approximate cost break down:
Cabinet- craigslist-$20
Paint- HD oops $2
Assorted scrap wood- HD scrap bin $3
Dowel -HD $1.50
Brackets- Giant Dollar $2
Picture frames (One is the oven door window) 2 for $1 -Ikea bought at Goodwill
Wood turnings for faucet handles- Michaels $1
Valspar Stone Spray Paint - Michaels $4 after 1/2 off coupon
Primer and black and silver paint- stash
Fabric and trims -stash
Screws, washers and glue- stash
Total- approximately $34
I can hardly wait for Monday! I feel like it's Christmas and I am Santa!
Are you interested in building your own play kitchen? I have a complete tutorial here!
There is awesome inspiration at the Play Kitchen Build Along Group on Flickr!
I should be asleep but I am wired from the post project high, gonna check out the Weekend Wrap Up at tatertots & Jello 'till my eyelids drop!
As usual, I am very impressed! Great job, I love it. My daughter still enjoys playing with hers and it's held up nicely.
The children will be estatic!
i so wish i waas in your class...
It looks great! I'm sure the kids will love it!
It's fantastic Jane! I love all the details, especially the Green Eggs & Ham artwork. :)
Wow...I'm in awe of your talent! What a nice gift for the kids!
It looks so great Jane! Oh to be a fly on the wall Monday morning when everyone finds it!
I would have dearly loved to have played on such a fine kitchen set as this when I was a little girl. I am truly in awe of your ability to transform trash into such amazing treasure. Wow!
That kitchen is awesome. Totally.
Wow - that is awesome. You did a fabulous job!
Thanks for linking up to my party!
I LOVE this play kitchen idea! I can't wait until my daughter is a little older so I can make her one! What a super creative idea:) Thanks for sharing and keep it up!
Hi! You inspired me to put the money back in my wallet and build not one but TWO play kitchens. One for my daughter's first birthday (it is a huge hit with her and her big brother) and one for my son's school's silent auction charity. It made me feel great to do it for a good cause and it is because of you. I gave you the credit too and would love for you to check it out....
(#13) THANK YOU so much!!!!
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