Friday, January 8, 2010

Green Contest: Vote For Me! Pretty Please!

Hello dear readers,

I have entered a few of my "green" Christmas stockings in a contest on greenwala. Somehow the contest benefits one laptop per child which is a pretty cool organization. There is also a chance for me to win a $250 Amex gift certificate which I would love! Wana click on over and vote for me? Or hey, you all are super crafty! Why not enter yourself? Think about it! And, thanks for the votes!
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happileah said...

Voted! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane!
I voted! I LOVE my red stocking! I don't want to pack it away with my other x-mas decorations yet!

littlemissmk said...

love the stripey stocking- so cute. voted for ya. also loved the knitted christmas tree! cute!

Jane Jeffress Thomas said...

Just ran over and voted for your stockings, which, by the way, are fantastic!!!

Jane said...

Thanks everyone!