Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rainy Day Crafting-Fabric Twist Ties

 There has been a lot of cold rain here in LA lately-perfect for indoor crafting.

First up, the Fabric Twist Ties from my Crafty Goals list.

True to my form, I didn't follow the lovely tutorial and used what I had.  The tutorial calls for fabric glue, but I used heavy duty fusible web. The thin wire came from the dollar store.
 Basically, you just sandwich the wire between two layers of fabric each with fusible webbing ironed on.

 I bent the end of the wire so that it wouldn't be sharp. I didn't measure and made an assortment of sizes.
The official tutorial has a template to get pretty leaf shaped endings. I used pinking shears and winged it. I had fun coming up with coordinating scraps. In a matter of minutes I had made a half dozen of these to stock my gift wrap drawer.

Wishing you a happy day!


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