Monday, January 10, 2011

Fan Mail

After 14 days all comments go to comment moderation. This came to me for approval today and it made me laugh out loud. At first I pressed "publish" and then I decided that a gem like this deserves it's own post.
Dave said...
Dear god you managed to paint a very small kitchen appliance with black paint and everyone thinks you are a cross between Rodin and L da Vinci. And just look at the intellectual brilliance of the comments of your followers. Quote - Okay, you TOTALLY sprayed that crock pot! It looks awesome! endquote. I think you need to get out more and perhaps learn to appreciate slightly more challenging projects. By the way projects cannot be "on hiatus" - first of all hiatus is a noun and secondly.... oh I just can't be bothered to suggest how you might learn to write grammatically correct and logical English. Toodle pip - perhaps next time you could write up "How I tied pretty ribbons around my saucepan handles"
What a funny crack about my crock. Toodle pip! The original crock pot painting post is here


  1. Wow.... really? I think your crock pot is cute and Dave is bitter. I wonder what a joy this guy is to be around in real life. Sheesh!

  2. So funny! He has enough time on his hands to be posting comments like that on your blog. Wow, he thinks he is a very important and intelligent person. Guess you should be honored he bothered to pop in at all. :)

  3. Because I'm a language nerd, and I love grammar, on hiatus is correct. On is a preposition, and hiatus is the object of the preposition. Objects of prepositions are always nouns or pronouns. Therefore, it is not wrong to say on hiatus.

    I think Dave is a bit confused and ridiculously excitable over a simple blog post!

  4. Thanks Ladies! I thought it was funny too. Other than Cliff and my brother (rarely) Dave may be my only other male reader. This line cracked me up the most: "perhaps next time you could write up "How I tied pretty ribbons around my saucepan handles." Hmmmm... LOL

  5. People like that seriously spend all day browsing on the internet to find ways they can bring others down. I truly hope that you completely forget this ever happened. It's not worth the space in your memory.
    We should all feel sorry for such a miserable man. He's probably very lonely.

  6. Obviously my ex-husband thinks that you are me. He's trying to throw us off the track by calling himself Dave.

  7. I'm so glad that you are able to find the silliness in Dave's comments. Who really cares if he is totally correct or full of baloney? It's your blog and we read it because we like to see the fruits of your creative juices.

    Sadly, now Dave may think that he is all important because a bunch of women are talking about him.

  8. I'm organizing a trip to see the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of Dave's poignant works. I'm sure they are true masterpieces. Toodle Pip!

  9. ha- i'm glad you can laugh at this. people can be kinda mean on the internet where everything can be so anonymous. i think your crock pot is fantastic ;)


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