Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Tour

 Since we just moved a month ago the Christmas Tour of Homes is a perfect opportunity to share my new apartment. Welcome!
Come on in! Smooch the one you love under the mistletoe!
Walk down the entry hall past my empty (boo hoo) laundry closet. I better get cracking with my Christmas cards so that everyone will have my new address.

Our freshly painted kitchen.
Be sure to have some wassail!

Low calorie apothecary jars.
A very simple mantel. I noticed that lots of us are feeling a simple vibe this year. The stockings are hung with care.
My dollar store star.

It wouldn't be a visit to my home without some sort of crafty mess in progress!

I hope you enjoyed the tour! 


  1. Where did you get the stocking with Santa holding the tree? My entire family has the same stockings with our names on them!

  2. great tour :) looks like you have a great view out of the slider!

  3. So light and airy looking. Very pretty.

  4. LOVE the wall color in your kitchen!

  5. Lovely job you did. I am loving your large star. Was it a make-over or did you purchase it that way? I am going to try to make some stars this year after all my other projects are done.

  6. We have those stockings with our names on them too - I think my mom made them. I actually haven't seen them in awhile - I'll have to ask her where they are!


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