Sunday, October 11, 2009

Black and White and Yellow All Over

 Glidden is giving away more free paint! If you haven't registered for your paint (Today! 10/11) go and do so now, then come back!

I signed up to get a cheery yellow called "Sunbeam."

I used to hate the color yellow. I personally look very bad in yellow clothes so I swore off having yellow in my home. Then I stayed at the Channel Road earlier this year. Our bathroom

(yes, that was just the bathroom) was so cheery and bright, I started to warm to the color yellow. Or maybe I was just warm from the wonderful hot tub. Anyway, as I am sure you know, once you start noticing something, you find it everywhere.

I found this delightful painting at a yard sale not too long ago. It doesn't go with anything in my home, but I just loved the black and white ribbon hanger and the classic sixties vibe of the painting. I seriously have no place to display this. One day I want to make a yellow, black and white room just for this painting.

So, today when I learned about another round of free paint from Glidden I got the Sunbeam yellow. It's a color that I probably wouldn't buy just yet. I have no idea what I will paint other than maybe another play kitchen. I thought about painting a few things for my balcony yellow and black. Could I just ignore the peach stucco?


  1. I'm a yellow fan! And I'm glad that gorgeous bathroom helped to convert you. ;)

  2. I registered for mine! I used my head this time and got antique white. I just need to go rip me a label off one of the old cans.

  3. I love your play kitchens and I think one in Sunshine Yellow would look fab. I stuck with Marshmallow White for my paint. I know. So boring.

    p.s. I have a little giveaway going on. Stop by when you get the chance


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