Saturday, October 10, 2009

Behind the Scenes Confession

Thank you for all your kind comments on my current play kitchen. I love to make them. I love to share them. I love most all of it.


When I revealed the kitchen the other day I may have glossed over some of  the challenges behind the scenes. In fact, I did gloss over some sink issues with high gloss spray paint. You see, I made the hole for the sink a bit too snug and the enamel on the bowl "popped" a few chips when I was shoving it in there. I primed over the chips and sprayed the whole thing with spray paint. Not perfect, but certainly fine. Good enough for me if I was the buyer. Friday night I went ahead and listed it on craigslist.

About five minutes later I decided to give it one more coat of spray on varnish. For good measure.

I kid you not the paint on the bowl started to bubble and foam like a rabid dog! Try as I might there was no saving that bowl.

So Saturday morning I went to the doctors at 8 am (Yeah for Saturday appointments!) Then I went to my church planning retreat from 9:15-11:30.  Then I went on a mad search to find a bowl to fit the hole that I had already cut. You know, so as not to disturb all the painting and details already done. Done, as in listed on craigslist, done.

I went to Petco, Ross, Dollar General, two Goodwills and finally a restaurant supply place. (Good thing it wasn't a busy day. Grr!) Of course you always find things in the last place you look. I found something close at the last Goodwill and two other close options at the restaurant supply place.

Close but not quite. I came home and had to cut the hole bigger anyway. I had to sand, vacuum the mess, reposition the faucet, repaint the counter top, and spray the whole thing with varnish again. (By the way, saran wrap worked  great to protect the parts that I didn't want to repaint.)

Now I think it's safe to say that I am really done. My hope is to drop it off at church tomorrow.

I tell this story in the intrest of  transparency.  Sometimes I edit my posts to be more favorable than necessary. Sometimes the end product turns out terrific, but the journey involved cursing. If it happens to me, it probably happens to everyone.  I need to remember this story when I look at other people's gorgeous blog photos. Chances are there are a few more mishaps than are reported. Yet, the projects get done and they are gorgeous and those creative women go on to try other projects. And, so do I.


  1. Very clever! I love it! I made a kitchen set for our grandkids from stuff we found at junk stores and flea markets. I used a stainless steel bowl for the sink.

  2. I swear these things are so damn cute! I know DD would love one, but I dont know if I have anywhere to put it!!

  3. Ahh, and stories like this are fabulous because I think all of us crafters understand what it's like to go through the trials and tribulations of a project!

  4. glad you hung in there- it was worth it! thanks for sharing the frustrations as well! ;)

  5. It isn't a real project until there is some cursing involved :)


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