Friday, March 11, 2011

Shower Gifts for Sweet Pea

I'm an Auntie!  Cliff's sister had her baby last Thursday and my brother's baby arrived (healthy, but teeny tiny) eight weeks early on Friday! I am nearly 40 and I became an aunt for the very first time twice in one week. So exciting!
Bib for Sweet Pea
Through it all, I wondered how I would feel based on our own long term struggles to have a child. Now that they are here, I can honestly say that I am filled with joy. Nobody could be more surprised than me. I love looking at the baby pictures. I am so proud of both of my sister's in-law who had to have emergency c-sections. I look forward to the day when I can chat with both of them about their birth stories. And, of course, one day meet my nieces. Each day I wake up and take my emotional temperature. I wonder "Is this the day that I become insanely jealous or sad?" So far the answer is no. Whew! So nice when what I want to feel, the right thing to feel, actually matches my feelings!

Anyway, Sweet Pea actually beat us to the punch arriving two weeks before her mama's baby shower. My gifts to her aren't nearly as cute as the ridiculously cute cherry themed shower gift that I made for Ava Jolin.
Car Seat Tent and Pacifier Bag
Still, I think they suit my sister-inlaw well.  She just recently told me that she is germ phobic. The first gift was a carseat tent made from this tutorial. Now not only will her preemie eyes be shaded, no creepy grocery shoppers can touch her.

The bib above is a nod to the knick name I gave her. I love her real name now that I know it. It is especially beautiful in cursive! So many loopy above the mid-line below the line letters! I am sure it will be revealed in future monogrammed projects.

I also added a pair of Robbeez and a board book. As an added tie on, I looped this Binkie bag right onto the gift bag. It would all be so much more fun to photo graph on an actual carseat and believe me, I thought about sneaking off to Toys R Us just to snap an action shot. LOL! However, as usual, I was sewing into the night right before my postal deadline!


  1. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear that you're happy about it despite your own struggles. I've been trying for over a year myself and I know how easily that jealously switch can turn on sometimes.

  2. Congratulations on becoming an aunt. I wish good waking thoughts every day for you.

  3. tubospublic@gmail.comMarch 14, 2011 at 2:36 AM

    Congrats! Glad to know you are being able to enjoy your two nieces, and just as important, check on your "emotional temperature." I well remember feelings of happiness at the babies joining my loved ones, as well as sadness and frustration at my own unfulfilled dream of motherhood... for me it was as if my happiness was the highway, the main road, with a frontage road, the grief, running smaller and less-trafficked, but still parallel.

  4. Congratulations! Being an aunt is so fun! You get to spoil them rotten, then send them home all sugared up and excited! ;-)

  5. I love the sweet pea bib and of course the whole set is beautiful (especially love that binkie bag ;)

  6. hey jane- thanks for your openness and honesty here. that's hard sometimes but i think people really appreciate it. and so happy to hear that aunt-hood (is that a word? ;) is wonderful. i love all the gifts- especially the bib!


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