Sunday, June 13, 2010

Craft Club- Texture Street Scene

Inspired by our Lost and Found box.
Lost & Found Box
The art club made their own texture studies.

From Camera June 2010 008

From Camera June 2010 006

From Camera June 2010 007

From Camera June 2010 005

This was a last minute idea of mine. I cut the flaps off of boxes from the recycling pile.
I  gave the kids some stuff to work with. It was mostly junk. I showed them how to peel back the layers on cardboard to reveal the texture. I also showed them how to make tabs so things would stick out. They came up with their own ideas and at times I helped by hot gluing things down.

Then I took everything home and gave it a coat of white primer spray paint.

I think this might have been their favorite project yet.


  1. so cute! had to come and have a closer look!
    stop by my blog for a jewelry giveaway this week!

  2. I love this idea Jane! I was inspired by your Lost & Found box and have been collecting "bits". I'm sure I'll do something with them some day. :)

  3. Wow! These are amazing! Such simple supplies yield fantastic works of art. :)


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