Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two Challenges


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If you have read my blog for any length of time, you know I *love* a creative challenge. These are two challenges I plan on participating in. Click on each button for more details.

Since I rent, I can not paint a room for my challenge project. Our apartment is full to the gills with furniture. So, my project is going to be another trash to treasure gift.

I found this baby on Craigslist and picked it up tonight. It's so nice when you find just the right thing at just the right price and close to home. I love the win/win aspect of Craigslist. Anyway, I really hope I can squeeze this special project out in time for the DIY Club deadline -May 13th.

Oh and by the way, It's not a kitchen! (Please read this like Arnold)

1 comment:

  1. oooh, cant wait to see you come up with! i love all your trash to treasure creations!


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