Friday, May 21, 2010


I made the lemonade stand for my secretary's grandkids. On the way out the door today I asked her what she was doing this weekend.

She replied, "Well, I may be working this weekend."


"Depending on the weather, we may start selling lemonade!"

Her two bosses are ready to get started! And I think their loyal employee is just as excited.

That was fun! Thanks for your votes! I can't wait to show and tell about my prize!


  1. Congratulations on your win! The lemonade stand was superb. Thank you for stopping by my blog! Alas, my bicycle does not have a name, but if she did I think it would be Hilda after my grandmother. :)

  2. Congratulations! I knew that you would win! Congrats on wrapping up another school year too, only a few more days here, so you must be close too. Thanks for all that you share!

  3. Congratulations Jane! I'm sure that lemonade stand will be well used and well loved. :)

  4. Jane, I literally cheered out loud when I saw you'd won!! I'm happy for you--you totally deserved it! :D


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