Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ms. Carter's Retirement Party

1. I was crazy busy last week working on Mrs. Carter's retirement party. I loved the creative work, but the last minute date change and venue change stressed me out a bit.
Cookies in the Night
I baked cookies late into the night.
Dessert Table

But... this is the only picture of the finished product.
Doily Garland
The Crayons helped me make the doily garland. We added doily flowers to them as well. That really added a festive touch. Do you think I got a picture? Nope.

My students quilled a huge card that the entire school signed. Gotta shot of that? Not so much!

Somebody please remind me the next time I throw a party to assign someone to take pictures! Jeesh!

What I couldn't photograph if I tried was the warmth of this party. We had a lovely meal. Both adults and children spoke of Ms. Carter's influence on their lives. Our secretary sang. There was a power point slideshow of "vintage" the Tom Jones song, "She's A Lady."

Thirty-Two years working as a Special Education Aide and her enthusiasm never waned. I mean it too. This lady had a smile for everyone. Every. Single. Day. Her impact on the future is truly immeasurable. We should all be so lucky to leave such a legacy.


  1. Sounds like a lovely party! I'm sure Ms. Carter greatly appreciated all your efforts.

  2. you are a sweet friend to throw such a detailed creative party!

  3. The cookies and doily garland are truly sweet! Love them!


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