Sunday, February 14, 2010

True Love Doesn't Even Cost A Dollar

 During the rainy weeks before Valentines Day my students made Valentine Mailboxes at lunch and recess.
Because of all their effort on the mailboxes, the Crayons were especially excited about Valentines this year.

Inside the mailboxes we found gems like these.
These are handmade Valentines. I think I have said it before, but times are *really* tight for the Crayon families this year. Tighter than ever. Several of my students told me that they couldn't buy Valentines this year. I resisted rescuing them and buying some. Instead I said that they could always make their own. And, I am so happy to say, a few did! 

Anyone can go to the dollar store and buy some Valentines. It's a real act of love to hand write 30 Valentines for your friends. 

Oh, and these were done by a boy. How perfect for the "Month of the Boy" going on in blogland!


  1. This post has made my day. I hope your little crayon can recognize someday just how perfect and real his valentines were. There is a bigger lesson for all of us in there. My heart is smiling because of this post. Thank you.


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