Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Few Scenes from The CHA Craft Convention

I haven't had time to sort through my goodies from the CHA Craft Convention, but I did get some of my pictures downloaded and I thought I would share a few random images with you.

Great MottoI can't remember what booth this was at, but I just loved the quote. Might have to make my own framed creativity motto.

One of the biggest displays was for a new product called the "Cricut Cake." It's a food safe version of the regular Cricut Expression that is made for gum paste frosting!
Cricut for Cakes
This butterfly is frosting!

Aleene's (Tacky Glue) Daughter
I had a lovely discussion with the daughter of Aleene- of Aleene's Tacky Glue fame!
Martha'S New Stickers
I got to look at all of  Martha's new products. I especially liked these gnome stickers.
Button MOnkey
Button MOnkeyYou know I had to get a picture or two of this amazing button monkey! He is stuffed with recycled water bottles.

That's just a brief peek. I have many more photos and some prizes coming!


  1. fun. Is there a typo on your cute framed saying? I am thinking the word "if" should be "of" maybe the picture is too small to see. Anyway that gum paste cricut is saawwweeet! I want one!

  2. Brittany - I think you are right about that "of". It was on a high shelf in a scrapbook paper booth. Good eyes!


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