Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Project & A Confession

A while back when I made this peg hanger thing
Drawer Front
out of a drawer front someone asked, "What will you do with the rest of the chest?"
Small chest
The balcony workshop has been open for business for about a week.

Balcony Workshop
Many of you probably already know what this project will be. As Dr. Phil says, "The best predictor of future behavior is the past." Full reveal tomorrow! I'm pretty excited about this one.

(Confession: My 20 something bar tending neighbor and her roommate of the month come home from the clubs at 4 am full of excitement about the boys they meet. They are not at all familiar with the concept of an "indoor voice." It's as if I am sleeping or trying to sleep in an episode of The Hills. I find strange comfort in thinking about how I will be using my HandiSaw at 10 am. Like totally.)


  1. LOL, your confession made me laugh. Can't wait to see your new project!

  2. 10am, that's nice of you to let them sleep in. Ooh I hope it's another of what I think it is!!! I've got a big old piece of junk out in our garage that I was planning to turn into something cute after being inspired by you. My husband has plans to put it out on the curb soon. We don't see eye to eye.

  3. You are funny! 10am is way to late ... I would start at at least 7 or 8! ;-) Can't wait to see what you've got cookin!

  4. I'm excited to see what you did with it. The peg board is cute!

  5. Oh, I feel for you on the noisy neighbors. I used to live in Manhattan and lived next to the world's worst neighbor who had a howling dog, and came home drunk VERY frequently. Have fun with the saw! But, I agree w/ the other comments...start earlier, and wake them up, and then maybe they'll go to bed earlier tomorrow night!


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